Zhaleh Maguire

Image of Zhaleh Maguire

Hello! My road to veterinary medicine was a little more winding than most. I have always had a strong passion for environmental causes and spent time in Belize and the Caribbean during college studying marine biology and conservation. I graduated from Bates College with a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies.

Life then led me to New York City. I began volunteering for a feline rescue group and working on a Trap-Neuter-Release program for feral cats in my Brooklyn neighborhood. I was immediately hooked and began taking the classes necessary to apply to veterinary school. At the same time, I worked at a veterinary clinic doing whatever was needed - reception work, kennel cleaning, and assisting doctors as a technician.

I graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine in 2013 and followed this with a one-year internship with the ASPCA Bergh Memorial Hospital in Manhattan, focusing on surgery, internal, emergency and shelter medicine.

Around this time, during a much-needed vacation to Portland, Oregon, I fell in love with the Pacific Northwest. Once my internship finished, I moved out here with my partner Anthony and our 5 cats. I have had the pleasure of working at veterinary clinics in the Vancouver area and am excited to transition to providing more personalized in-home care.

I am trained in veterinary acupuncture through the Chi University in Florida and hope to provide herbal therapy to my patients in the near future.

When not working I enjoy taking my hound/lab mix for long walks, experimenting in the kitchen, gardening and, when able, enjoying the amazing food the Portland area has to offer.