
I’ve heard many things about both Dr. Maguire and Dr. Scanlan from my mom, all of them positive. This was my first time meeting Dr. Maguire, and both her and Amanda were incredible. They were both amazingly kind and professional given the situation. Dr. Maguire was so personable and made the difficult process of euthanizing one of our pets so much easier. This mobile service is a wonderful idea. I know it was born out of the pandemic, but I hope you guys can find a way to keep it around. My absolute heartfelt thanks go to Dr. Maguire and Amanda.


Raven started showing signs of poor mobility and stiffness in the early spring. Bloodwork, and other lab-work showed she was in good health given her age, except the x-rays saw that the C5/C6 vertebrae showed signs of degeneration resulting in a diagnosis of intervertebral disc disease (IVDD). Because of the disease, Raven had a hard time with both her front and back legs; her front legs would knuckle, and her back legs would splay out frequently. Taking a 'squat' was particularly difficult, and she would often fall over. Where she was once free to roam on the acre we live on, she was now walked with a leash and harness to help keep her safe from injury. Her instability and other symptoms gave her a poor quality of life, and we were not sure if she would make it through the summer. We put her on medication to reduce pain and inflammation, which did help her mobility and independence. She was better at moving around, and the falling was reduced, but she still needed to be accompanied when outside. Although there was improvement with her quality of life, we thought this would be the last year we would have her. We decided to add acupuncture to her treatment plan, since we have had success with our past pets, and have seen the benefits from friends that have treated their pets. After a few treatments Raven started to show signs of improvement, and after six weekly treatments, Raven was practically back to her old self. Although we cannot cure the disease, the acupuncture has given Raven the extra boost she needed to relieve her symptoms and provide for a good quality of life. We now expect Raven to be happy and well for many years to come. The conversation would be much different were it not for the acupuncture used to treat Raven's disease. We plan to continue to use the combined approach of supportive care through her regular veterinarian and acupuncture with Dr. Scanlan, to maintain Raven's good health into the future. We are so grateful to Dr. Scanlan and her assistant, Amanda, for their compassion, professionalism- and most especially, their healing hands. Having the option for holistic pet care brought to my home has made all the difference. Thank you so much!

Robin and Raven

Dr Kelsey and Bonnie - I wanted to extend a heartfelt thank you. Today was just so difficult, losing a best friend of 16 years. I am just so very thankful for the loving, compassionate, gentle people you are. I am thankful for your website that explained what to expect, what it would cost and all the details I needed as I made decisions. I am also so thankful to Amanda for answering my rambling emotional emails, with grace, patience and understanding. I am thankful for your precision timing, your perfect synergy as a team and an absolute incredible ability at what you do. You provided a down to earth, no judgment, confirming process that allowed me the space to grieve how I needed to. I appreciate you more than you could know. Thank you for doing what you do. Thank you for taking some of the burden. I will forever be able to remember my sweet Rubis passing as a sweet peaceful gift, thanks to you both.


Early 2018, I took in an abused and neglected kitten. Joya lost a leg and her wounds healed but thick scars remain. She has been on pain medications since and basically ignored or avoided me since coming into the house. I have had success with veterinary acupuncture on one of my other pets and decided to give it a try with Joya. We had our initial exam with Dr. Scanlan around September of 2020 and have been getting treatments ever since. While receiving regular acupuncture treatments from Dr. Scanlan we have been able to reduce her pain medications and she seems to be taking more chances climbing things and hanging around on ladders. But the most amazing thing is her behavior. She now occasionally sleeps on my lap, commands the keyboard at times and joins me every night for a “pet me” session before the lights go out. I’m glad that she is in less pain and thrilled that Joya has blossomed since getting acupuncture.

Peggy and Joya